Hyakkiya Tantei Jimusho: Hyakkiya Hikari no Youkai Jikenbo cover

Hyakkiya Tantei Jimusho: Hyakkiya Hikari no Youkai Jikenbo

身体で解決 百鬼屋探偵事務所 ~百鬼屋 光の妖怪事件簿~ 第一話 処女捨山伝説怪奇譚

«Hyakkiya Tantei Jimusho: Hyakkiya Hikari no Kyoukai Jikenbo» is a new hentai based on the CGI story of the same name by B-qoon in May 2021. The action of the story takes place in the town of Azamati which mostly live girls-cats. The main character of hentai him-a girl named Ha yakutia Hikari works as a detective in her own detective agency «Hyakkiya Tantei». The girl investigates various mysterious incidents in the city, which are somehow connected with the dissolute spirits of «youkai».

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